Problem Statement:
You are a Web developer at BuildYourWeb Inc. Youhave been assigned the task of creating the home page
for ShowOnWheels. The home page should be based on
the following guidelines:
1- It should display the organization logo.
2- It should display some text describing about the company in paragraphs.cities, where ShowOnWheels is currently
operating, in a list. This list should unfold when
a user clicks the Currently Operating in text.
About Us, Contact Us, and Upcoming Movies.
users can call to enquire about any upcoming movie.
Prerequisite: You need the ExternalStylesheet, images,
and video folders, which contain the style sheet, images,and video clip required for performing this activity. In
addition, you need the aboutus.html, contactus.html,
and upcomingmovies.html files. Ask your faculty to
provide the same and save these files and folders at the
following location:
To create the required Web page, you need to performthe following tasks:
1.Create the home page.
2.Add heading and logo to the home page
3.Create the links.
4.Add images and a video clip.
Task 1: Creating the Home Page
To create the home page, you need to perform the
following steps:
1. Open Notepad and type the following code in
<LINK type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="ExternalStylesheet\homestylesheet.css" />
welcome to you...............
Then: Save the file with the name home.html at the
same location where you have saved other input files.
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